Thursday, July 27, 2017



Read Acts 11:19–3012:24–13:3

     They sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.   Acts 11:22-23 NIV
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     Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, received a new Christian name from the apostles. They called him Barnabas, which means "Son of Encouragement." He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lordthrough his ministry. (11:24) He went to Tarsus to find Saul, and brought him to Antioch, where the two of them ministered for a year. In later years Saul, also called Paul, would write of Barnabas and his cousin John Mark, "They have proved to be a comfort to me."(Colossians 4:11)

     Barnabas possessed the gifts of encouragement and discernment. He was quick to recognize the Spirit of the Lord in a new believer and slow to write him off when he failed. His cousin John Mark ran away during a time of persecution, but later rejoined Barnabas in powerful ministry. 
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     Lord, help me to be an encourager like Barnabas. Grant me the wisdom to teach our children how to encourage each other as well. As with Barnabas, fill us with the Holy Spirit and faith so that we can encourage other Christians to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. (11:23-24)
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     The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. Acts 11:26 NIV

Friday, July 14, 2017

THE EARLY CHURCH - Gentiles Included


Read Acts 11:1–18

     But the voice answered me again from heaven, 'What God has cleansed you must not call common.' Acts 11:9 NKJV

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     Up to this time, the apostles preached primarily to the Jewish people. Even at Pentecost, the people from various nations were professing Jews. To come to God, Peter believed a person must become a Jew and follow the Jewish laws, abstaining from unclean foods. 
     But God told Peter that he was going to do a new thing through him. He directed him to an Italian centurion named Cornelius whose heart was prepared to hear the gospel. Today he and his household were going to hear the good news, believe it, and receive the Holy Spirit; bringing Gentiles into the New Testament church.
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     Dear heavenly Father, help me to remember that before I ever speak to someone about Christ, You have already paved the way. You said, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him,"(John 6:44 NKJV) I pray for the drawing of the Holy Spirit in the lives of our children and grandchildren. Speak to their hearts, so that our words will fall on willing ears.
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     If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?"      Acts 11:17 NKJV

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

THE EARLY CHURCH - Persecutor Forgiven


Read: Acts 9:23–31

     All those who heard him were astonished and asked, "Isn't he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name?" Acts 9:21 NIV
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     After Saul's conversion, and recovery from blindness, he began to preach openly, that "Jesus is the Son of God." Believers were afraid of him, and Jews wanted to kill him; so his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall. (9:25) 
     From there he traveled back to Jerusalem to join with the believers, but they didn't think he was sincere. With the help of Barnabas, he told his story to the apostles, and was accepted into the church. For a time he spoke boldly to the Jews about his newfound faith, but persecution began again, and Saul now called Paul, left for Tarsus.
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     Lord, I can just imagine how those early Christians must have felt. Saul was the one who stood by while Stephen was martyred. He was the one who dragged off men and women and put them in prison. Not only did they need to believe him, they also had to forgive him. Thank You for forgiving me, and help me to learn to forgive others who have "caused havoc in the church."
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     Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit; it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord. Acts 9:31 NIV